Cultural properties that tell Gyoda City's story

Sakitama Ancient Burial Mounds
【Historic Site Designated by the National Government】

Ishida-zutsumi Levee
【Historic Site Designated by the National Government】

Takahashi’s Stone Tablet with Basho Haiku
【Historic Site Designated by the National Government】

Gyoda Town Map from The Kyoho Era in Edo period(1716-1736)
【Collection of Gyoda City Provincial Museum】

Ancient Documents of Akiyam's
【Private collection; Deposited with and stored by Gyoda City Provincial Museum】

Gyoda Town Map from The Tenpoo Era in the Edo period (1830-1844)
【Collection of Gyoda City Provincial Museum】

The Bill of Land Tax that Musashi Country Sakamaki Village Pay in 1612
【Collection of Gyoda City Provincial Museum】

Osawa Kyuemon's Residence and Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Mori's Warehouse and Koaann Warehouse
【Tangible Cultural Property Designated by the City】
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Makino Store・Museum of Tabi and Daily Lives
【*Tabi and Living Museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays】

Tokitagura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Hozumigura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Museum of Tabigura and Community Development
【※Open every day (10:00~16:00)】

Kusaogura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Isami Corporation School Uniform Factory
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Tashirogura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Formerly Oshimachi Credit AssociationBank
【Tangible Cultural Property Designated by the City】

Gyoda-Gama Kiln
【*Viewed from the outside only】

The Kujirai's Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Isami Corporation tabi factory
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Tokita Tabigura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Indigo Dyeing Experience Studio "Makiteisha"
【*Indigo dye workshop is open on Sundays only】

Koushigura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Kurihara Mortar Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Konumagura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Okunuki Warehous
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Kasahara Residence
【*Viewed from the outside only】

Gakuya Tabigura Warehouse
【*Viewed from the outside only】

A Tabi Production Tool and Product of Gyoda
【Collection of Gyoda City Provincial Museum】
【Tangible Folk Cultural Property Registered by the National Government】

Gyoda tabi socks

Hatsuuma Festival
【Tangible Cultural Property Designated by the City】


Jelly Fries

Narazuke(a kind of pickled vegetable such as gourds seasoned in sake dregs) of Gyoda pickles

Outline of Japan Heritage
Japan Heritage is a new program for cultural properties established by the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2015. The program designates interesting regional histories and features that have been passed down through the narratives of Japan’s culture and traditions as “Japan Heritage.” It supports initiatives to cohesively use various attractive tangible and intangible cultural properties that constitute essential elements in the narrative. Japan Heritage has two categories: “The Collective Category” for which a narrative pertains to several cities or villages, and “The Local Category” for which a narrative pertains to one city or a village, as in the case of Gyoda City.
Japan Heritage identifies cultural properties scattered around a region and packages them in a story, expects the regional community to take the initiative to cohesively and comprehensively organize and use these cultural properties, and strategically publicize them to the world, thereby aiming to revitalize the region.